The annual redesign of this website is underway. I will be including various parallax and scroll-driven animations. 
Instead of the static 2D site you currently see, it will be much more dynamic and bright to capitalize on current trends and to further accentuate my passion for bold and emotive design. 
I'm not sure when it will be done; I don't see any great rush on this. I still have some UI planning to do and I want to do things right, perfect my skills with SDAs, and perhaps wait for certain browsers *cough* Firefox, to catch up. What a weird world we live in when MS Edge and Chrome are superior to Mozilla!
1: Design the logo and promotional materials for J.V. Hilliard, the debut author of the four-part Warminster series of fantasy novels. There was interest in having both a dragon and an ink spot incorporated into the logo, but a dragon flying above a splatter seemed like a poor choice...
Initial idea: an ink spot monogram and logotype
Initial idea: an ink spot monogram and logotype
2: Design and develop the author's website* (see note below) which will be the primary sales funnel and an information hub for his fanbase to stay up-to-date on the latest from the Realm of Warminster.
To maintain a uniform look, the design theme for The Realm was changed to match the quill and scroll look of the signings and appearances page. As the reader scrolls down through the stories they would land on CTAs to sign up for the MailChimp newsletter and a link to purchase Book One.
3: Using the author's creative briefs, design the website illustrations, most notably for The Realm section, which tells the individual stories of the prominent families and regions within the Realm of Warminster. These are just a few more unreleased sigils, which remain property of Luke A. Bruss until a fee can be agreed upon.
The Last Keeper became an Amazon best-seller, attendance at conventions has gone through the roof, and site traffic has increased exponentially!

*Once I receive more exact metrics they will be reported here. Until then, this is all I've got.
*The website mentioned above has been substantially altered by the client. It no longer represents the talents, knowledge or work of Luke A. Bruss. Main focus should be given to the landing page and the "News and Events" section as they have been changed without my professional input. 
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